Extremely compact 5-axis high-performance machining centres with rotating/swivelling table mounted on both sides for high-precision cutting performance.
CNC machining centres. Made in Germany.
HEDELIUS CNC machining centres are recognised throughout Europe for their precision, stability and reliability. Thanks to the extensive range of accessories, our machining centres can be adjusted to almost any machining task.
Versatile machining centres with infinitely variable swivelling main spindle and integrated NC rotary table.
Discover the FORTE series - a new class of vertical 3-axis machining centres that offer maximum precision and performance in the smallest of spaces with state-of-the-art Operator's platform design.
We offer our customers the choice between our in-house HEDELIUS automation solutions and a wide pallet of third-party automation solutions from our renowned partners.
Available Machining centres!
Individually customisable for your requirements.
News from HEDELIUS.
Innovation, success stories and events.
Stay informed at all times! In our news section, you can find out all about the latest developments, new products and exciting success stories from our customers in a wide range of industries. We also keep you up to date on our trade fair appearances and our own events such as workshops and training courses. Here you will also find the latest downloads of various information material such as our customer magazine HEDline. Check back regularly and don't miss any important updates!
Our latest innovation in the video: The TILTENTA 7 NEO, automated with the MARATHON SR415! Experience how our managing director Dennis Hempelmann presents the advantages of this 5-axis universal machining centre with multi-pallet magazine. See for yourself how unutilised potential can be tapped and production processes opened up to a new level of efficiency.
HEDELIUS Maschinenfabrik GmbH in Meppen has once again been awarded the Creditreform CrefoZert creditworthiness certificate. This certificate once again confirms the company's excellent creditworthiness. The strict requirements for the renewal of the CrefoZert continue to be fully met
The demand for efficient automation solutions is constantly growing - especially for the versatile machining centres in the popular TILTENTA series. With decades of experience in the development of compact, ergonomic machining centres and powerful automation solutions, we are pleased to present our latest innovation: the TILTENTA 7-2000 NEO in combination with the MARATHON SR415. A combination that promises maximum productivity with minimum space requirements.
(PDF | DE/EN) All machining centres in the ACURA, TILTENTA and FORTE series are closed in a clear series overview with matching accessory options. The catalogue also contains technical data and spindle diagrams in accordance with these. The catalogue also contains a practical overview of possible automation options for HEDELIUS machining centres.
At Carstengerdes Modellbau und Zerspanung GmbH in Bockhorn near Wilhelmshaven, state-of-the-art technology meets a family working environment characterised by genuine appreciation. With the ultra-modern 5-axis machining centre ACURA 85 and the MARATHON 518 pallet handling system, the company focuses on automation and technical innovation - a major step forward that not only increases efficiency, but also offers young talents enjoyment of their work and long-term prospects.
In manufacturing companies that mainly produce small batch sizes, every spindle minute counts - or so the theory goes. In practice, however, the proportion of productive spindle time compared to working time is often less than 40 per cent. The search for tools, clamping devices and information, as well as set-up, tie up valuable resources and leave many operating companies far behind their potential. There are many ways to sustainably close flexibility - and thus performance - in production. But every manufacturing company is different. The trick is therefore to find your very own recipe for success.
Advancing automation has long since arrived in mechanical engineering and contract manufacturing - but many companies still face challenges, especially when it comes to small batch sizes. While large-scale production is already largely automated today, flexibility in smaller quantities, which are often the order of the day in contract manufacturing, poses a particular challenge. How can automation be made to pay off here too without presenting machine operators with insurmountable hurdles?
Thanks to automation, IWK Verpackungstechnik has been able to significantly increase the production capacity of its HEDELIUS machining centres. By integrating a robot cell, the CNC operators gain valuable time that they can use for the manufacture of single parts. This solution enables IWK to increase its flexibility and further expand production efficiency.
Circelli Engineering Solutions GmbH from Dulliken is one of the start-ups in the Swiss manufacturing scene. Originating as a small design office, the young company has developed into a system provider thanks to its passion and investment in innovative CNC technologies. The founding brothers and owners Paolo Circelli and Marco Circelli explain the role played by the latest FORTE 65 and ACURA 65 machining centres from HEDELIUS.
BL Lasertechnik GmbH turned a disaster into a success story. Despite the devastating fire that destroyed its production halls, the company opted for a quick restart. Thanks to the support of partners such as HEDELIUS, production was resumed and even expanded in a very short space of time.
Experience our 5-axis machining centre ACURA 85 in more detail than ever before: At 600 frames per second, you can experience the interplay of power and precision during machining in our latest slow motion video.
The powerhouse for heavy-duty machining - a TILTENTA 10-3600 from HEDELIUS Maschinenfabrik in Meppen - has been in the production hall just outside the gates of Eindhoven for a year now. The long-established Dutch company De Rooy machines very large, often complex workpieces from a wide variety of materials.
Tooling optimisation and automation mean benefits for entrepreneurs and employees alike. Automation not only reduces tooling times and increases production, but also allows you to utilise previously unproductive times efficiently. We are happy to support you on your open road to more productive production.
"Never change a winning team" - this could be the headline for the collaboration between HEDELIUS Maschinenfabrik and automation specialist BMO at the Dutch manufacturing company Edumar Metaalbewerking. On the way to even more flexible unmanned production, the choice has now been made for the second time in favour of a joint solution from the two manufacturers.
(PDF | EN) We are very pleased to be able to introduce you to our company's sustainability efforts with this brochure. As a family-run, internationally successful manufacturer of CNC machining centres, we have a responsibility - not only towards our customers and partners, but also towards the environment and future generations.
We are pleased to be able to present a new highlight to customers in our technology centre in the future: the beginner-friendly automation RoboJob Mill Assist. The compact workpiece automation with 6-axis robot offers many advantages, especially for beginners. Get an impression of the user-friendly and productive robot automation with our user video.
What could be better for a chipper than perfect chips? In super slow motion at 600 frames per second, chipping on a TILTENTA 11-2600 looks even more impressive. Discover the art of chipping with our latest slow motion video.
We look back on two successful trade fair days with enriching exchanges. It was a special pleasure for us to welcome more than 500 visitors** on 24 and 25 April in Meppen** to this year's in-house exhibition. A big thank you goes to...
Your production process is as individual as your company itself. That's why we offer you a wide range of automation solutions: From precise pallet and workpiece handling to hybrid solutions and advanced linear interlinking systems. We are at your side to successfully close your path to automation.
Despite the current subdued mood in the German machine and plant engineering sector, HEDELIUS is investing in the expansion of its production capacities. In this interview, Managing Director Dennis Hempelmann reveals how HEDELIUS managed to make the past financial year its most successful yet and how he personally assesses the growth prospects for 2024.
We regularly welcome interested customers to our technology centre and offer them the opportunity to see the performance of our CNC solutions for themselves on site and in person. In order to be able to present our latest technologies for more precise and efficient chipping processes, we have recently updated a large part of our exhibition**.
Why do our customers come out on top? CNC machining centres optimised for limited resources such as time, personnel and space guarantee you individual competitive advantages. Everything done right with HEDELIUS.
With the new Infinity series, it is now possible to realise even more unmanned processing time with our machines thanks to the enlarged pallet and workpiece storage space. The system also meets the desire of many users to link several machining centres in a series as a flexible production system.
The trade fair was a complete success! Numerous visitors, exciting discussions and ground-breaking innovations made the EMO 2023 an unforgettable event. We are delighted with the positive response and look forward to shaping the future together.
"In 2012, we were faced with the challenge of having to modernise our entire CNC chipping process," says Tim Sprenger, Production Manager at BAADER, looking back. "We wanted a supplier who was just as interested as we were in a partnership-based collaboration and who would approach the issue with us on an equal footing. We found what we were looking for with HEDELIUS."
(PDF | EN) The chipping process produces a not inconsiderable volume of chips. By using a chip press directly at the machining centre, you can produce profitable recyclable materials from waste materials that need to be disposed of. This is because the chip press separates the chips from the cooling lubricants and compresses them into clean, manageable briquettes. Find out more about the advantages of a chip press for your production in our new product flyer.
With the introduction of the new Heidenhain TNC7, we are getting ready for the changeover to a new CNC control technology. The training rooms at the HEDELIUS CNC Academy have already been upgraded in accordance with the new technology so that the new functions and possibilities of the TNC7 control can be communicated to the participants in the best possible way.
The Swiss company Meag AG invested in two identical HEDELIUS 5-axis machining centres from the ACURA-85 series with the aim of being able to supply customers even more efficiently and quickly in the future.
The factory halls of Kreiselmeyer Umformtechnik GmbH & Co. KG in Nuremberg are dominated by systems for laser cutting, pressing, turning, edging and welding steel plates. However, with the increasing shift towards the production of complete assemblies, chipping is also becoming increasingly important. With the TILTENTA 7 from HEDELIUS Maschinenfabrik in Meppen, Kreiselmeyer has found the right milling centre.
Get an insight into the HEDELIUS technology centre in Meppen. Thanks to the use of the FPV drone, you get the feeling of being closed in the cockpit of the drone. When flying through the TILTENTA 10 machining centre, the spindle comes very close and you get excellent insights.
We look back on a successful HEDELIUS in-house exhibition on Wednesday, 22 March and Thursday, 23 March 2023. We would like to thank all visitors, co-exhibitors and employees who contributed to the result. Take a look back in the gallery with lots of great pictures and the event movie.
In order to meet the increasing demands of our customers, we have developed our first automation system based on a 6-axis robot, the MARATHON RZ multi-pallet magazine system.
(PDF | EN) Experience the future of manufacturing: Our brochure highlights how automation and people go hand in hand - for greater efficiency and new opportunities in everyday working life. Discover how small and medium-sized companies can also benefit from targeted automation. Get valuable insights for the transformation of your company now!
Earthworks for the construction of a new production hall have begun. On a 25,000 square metre site, a state-of-the-art factory for the production, assembly and storage of the TILTENTA series is being built on a total of 10,000 square metres under roof. Completion is planned for spring 2024.
For the seventh year in a row, HEDELIUS Maschinenfabrik GmbH in Meppen has been awarded the Creditreform CrefoZert credit rating certificate. With this certificate, Creditreform Leer Bolte KG once again attests to the company's excellent creditworthiness. The company continues to fulfil the high requirements for an extension of the CrefoZert in full.
See and hear why HEDELIUS has become the preferred supplier of CNC machining centres for thousands of companies in Germany and Europe.
WFT Werkzeug- und Frästechnik GmbH** specialises in the precise production of pre-series and series tools for the plastics processing industry. The company's example impressively demonstrates what can be achieved with the right automation solution - and why employees also benefit from it.
This is why HEDELIUS is now opening a version of the STANDBY MAGAZIN with 264 tool pockets. In total, our customers will then have access to up to 329 tools on a TILTENTA 11 swivelling spindle machining centre and up to 344 tools on an ACURA 85 5-axis machining centre, for example!
MFC - Modell- und Formenbau Chemnitz manufactures aluminium moulds for the plastics processing industry and devices and gauges for vehicle construction on two TILTENTA machines: small, fine workpieces during the day, large workpieces with long running times at night.
With the ACURA 65 MAGNUM and the MARATHON pallet magazine, we have a real ace in our programme for the production of small series. A 90-fold tool magazine, 6 pallets 400 x 400 mm and 250 kg clamping weight ensure your productive edge. Experience it live now at the HEDELIUS demonstration centre.
Anyone visiting WuM Werkzeug- und Maschinenbau GmbH in Mühlhausen, Thuringia, will get an impression of the end products that are manufactured using their tools from the entrance lobby. WuM machines high-precision stamping tools for the automotive industry on a TILTENTA 7, an ACURA 85 and a FORTE 11.
For three days, HEDELIUS and 22 trade exhibitors presented innovative machining solutions on 2200 square metres of exhibition space, including various automation solutions for small and medium-sized metalworking companies with batch sizes from 1 to 500.
Lang Technik GmbH from Holzmaden delivered its ROBOTREX 96 automation solution to Meppen just in time for the in-house exhibition. The automation cell consists of a FANUC 6-axis robot with a payload capacity of 50 kg and two automation trolleys, tooling with a total of 46 vices.
Today, a machining centre must not only work quickly, precisely and reliably, but also look good. HEDELIUS therefore offers a paint finish for the work area doors of all machines according to your colour requirements.
Whether workpiece set-up, tool set-up, programming or maintenance - the focus is always on convenience, safety and productivity in your production. A clear operating and maintenance concept with good accessibility to all working ranges and optimally arranged control elements make daily work easier.
Blowing off the taper by the spindle during tool change has always been standard on HEDELIUS machining centres. HEDELIUS now offers an optional additional blow-off function in the tool magazine, which blows off the taper a second time with a flow-optimised nozzle when it is placed in the tool chain.
HEDELIUS Maschinenfabrik has once again received an order to supply two automated 5-axis machining centres from the ACURA series. The automation is realised by an EROWA ERD 250 linear robot. The entire system is 20 metres long and has 73 pallet stations and 520 tool stations.
With this certificate, Creditreform Leer once again attests to the company's excellent creditworthiness. The company continues to fulfil the high requirements for an extension of the CrefoZert in full. Compared to the previous year, the creditworthiness index was even slightly improved from 108 to 106.
Founded as a supplier to the textile industry, MEM Maschinenbau GmbH from Ahaus is now closed in special machinery, systems and steel construction. With the purchase of an ACURA 65 MARATHON in 2021, the operation led by Managing Director Hans-Jürgen Marx took the plunge into production automation - and it is paying off today.
Constant ambient conditions are required to achieve consistent production results. To achieve maximum accuracy and reproducible results, it is important that the temperature of the workpiece remains constant during processing.
In order to make even better use of the output of our machining centres, the TILTENTA 9, TILTENTA 11 and ACURA 85 series will in future have milling spindles with 37 kW output.
The C axis of our 5-axis machining centres in the ACURA 65 series can now be equipped with a liquid-cooled and backlash-free torque direct drive with 50 rpm. The result: the C axis positions with even greater repeat accuracy, acceleration and speed.
"We at WVG Alu tec from Bad Arolsen have known HEDELIUS for many years and are already something of a family. And where do you trust each other more than within a family?" That's why Gruhs is proud of the "latest achievement", as he puts it: the TILTENTA 7-3200 5-axis machining centre with swivelling spindle and two integrated NC rotary tables.
"After work, the ACURA 65 EL and the BMO Platinum continue to work for us." Jan Inboden and his colleagues are delighted with the reliable technology from HEDELIUS. ERO GmbH from Simmern in Hunsrück is a prime example of a family business that has grown healthily.
The unique HEDELIUS concept with two in-line 5-axis machining centres from the ACURA 50 and ACURA 65 series, which are connected via an automation system, is becoming increasingly popular. Having already sold several systems, we are now pleased to be able to supply the first solution together with EROWA. In this case, the interlinking is carried out by an EROWA Leonardo pallet handling system with 24 pallets of 320 x 320 mm each.
The linking of an ACURA 50 EL and an ACURA 65 EL via the Indumatik 120 pallet handling system is now ready for demonstration. The Indumatik 120 loads the 5-axis CNC machining centres with 400 x 400 and 200 x 200 mm pallets.
The time has finally come: We are proud to present our TILTENTA 11 5-axis swivelling spindle machining centre with a Y travel path of 1,100 mm. We currently offer the TILTENTA 11 with X travel paths of 2,600 and 3,600 mm. Arrange your demonstration appointment in Meppen now!
The trend towards more tools to reduce tooling times has already been taken into account with the introduction of the ACURA 50. The optional expansion of the 55-place tool magazine of the ACURA 50 5-axis machining centre to 80 places offers an additional reduction in set-up costs.
Tscharner Mechanik AG is a small manufacturing company in Prättigau. From the very beginning, founder Bruno Tscharner has focussed on automation. The latest investment is a fully automated production cell with the ACURA 65 5-axis machining centre from HEDELIUS.
The demand for automation solutions continues to grow. Numerous machining centres in the ACURA series have already been equipped with pallet handling systems or robots in recent years. But the demand for automation solutions for our TILTENTA machining centres is also increasing.
Just over 20 years ago, master mechanical engineer Thomas Claaßen took the plunge into self-employment. Today, the Claaßen Group from Scharrel in the Oldenburger Münsterland region employs 250 people in four companies. A clear philosophy and continuous investment, including in automated machining centres from HEDELIUS, have made this development possible.
The SOLLICH KG is the worldwide market leader for chocolate processing machines. The family business from Bad Salzuflen in East Westphalia faced a major challenge when it came to modernising its chipping machinery. Increasingly complex single parts in a wide range of sizes and lengths have to be manufactured flexibly and efficiently. In HEDELIUS Maschinenfabrik, the company found a partner who could make this possible.
It is hard to deny that automation is finding its way into the factory floor and is an important part of manufacturing concepts. Large companies in particular are often already very advanced in this area. Small and medium-sized companies, the customer base of the northern German family business HEDELIUS, must also follow suit. The mechanical engineering company from Meppen wants to provide support.
As part of the market launch of the compact 5-axis machining centre ACURA 50, HEDELIUS is also launching the ACURA 50 EL, the automatable version of the high-performance machine for small workpieces. The North German family-owned company has focussed on an important detail that can significantly increase production efficiency.
With the ACURA 65 and ACURA 85, HEDELIUS has already set standards in the range of 5-axis machining centres with rotating/swivelling table. Now comes the ACURA 50, a new model that impresses with a compactness that is unrivalled with its amazingly large travel paths.
Seeing machines under chip, talking shop, networking - for three days, the machining centres were once again buzzing in the large demonstration centre at HEDELIUS and many of the 300 or so visitors clearly enjoyed feeling the trade fair atmosphere again after the long corona-related break.
If very long tools such as deep hole drills or tools with a large diameter such as disc cutters or spindle tools are required in a HEDELIUS machining centre, the pick-up magazine is the solution.
Fourteen 3- and 5-axis machining centres and four automation solutions are available for individual, interactive live presentations in the HEDELIUS demonstration centre. Follow our experts around and into the machine and ask your questions.
Despite the coronavirus crisis, HEDELIUS Maschinenfabrik considers itself to be well installed, meaning that both product developments and investments in infrastructure are continuing as planned. For example, the company is currently expanding its office capacity at its headquarters in Meppen by 650 square metres.
HEDELIUS Maschinenfabrik GmbH and its local sales partner Promas BV organised a customer day for interested parties and customers from the Netherlands and Belgium on 16 January.
Whirling milling (or trochoidal milling) stands for highly dynamic milling with a high chip volume. Until now, this function was only optimal for slotting. HEIDENHAIN is changing this with a new optional feature for the TNC 640: Optimised Contour Milling (OCM) makes the idea of trochoidal milling available for a much wider range of applications. In addition to roughing open and closed pockets and islands of any shape, OCM also offers cycles for finishing bottoms and side walls.
Forward-looking, responsible and future-orientated action is a top priority at HEDELIUS Maschinenfabrik GmbH from Meppen. Since December 2016, the Emsland-based mechanical engineering company has been awarded the CrefoZert credit rating certificate by Creditreform Leer. In 2019, the family-owned company once again received the award, which is valid for one year.
HEDELIUS Maschinenfabrik GmbH was once again able to record a decent increase in visitors at EMO 2019. Over the six days of the trade fair, 10% more visitors came to the stand than two years ago.
With 510 square metres of stand space, it was the largest stand so far in 2019. It also caught the attention of politicians. On the very first day of the trade fair, Lower Saxony's Finance Minister Reinhold Hilbers made sure to close HEDELIUS.
This year's general meeting of the Verband deutscher Laseranwender -Blechbearbeitung- e.V. (VdLB) took place on 23 February in Lingen (Ems). Over 80 participants travelled to Emsland for the meeting.
The Trissler & Kielkopf GmbH is located in Reutlingen, at the "gateway to the Swabian Alb". Since the early 1990s, Peter and Christel Dorau have been at the helm of the contract manufacturing company, which will soon be celebrating its 100th anniversary. The Swabian medium-sized company has been relying on HEDELIUS machining centres for 22 years.
The town of Georgsmarienhütte is named after the local steel company, which grew out of the local mining industry. Today, mining vehicles, special machinery and medical technology are manufactured in one of the former industrial halls of Georgsmarienhütte. Here and at another site, Wendt Maschinenbau GmbH und Co. KG manufactures a broad range of parts, machines, steel structures and devices on behalf of customers.
At WERNERT-PUMPEN GmbH, a specialist in the pumping of demanding liquids, the average batch size is between 1 and 100. In mechanical production, a TILTENTA 7-3200 from HEDELIUS with a large contact surface, mobile work area partition, standby magazine and zero-point clamping system creates the best conditions for flexible and productive machining of pump parts of different sizes, numbers and materials.
WKT-Wernemann Kunststofftechnik GmbH** is a second-generation family business that has continued to grow at its founding location in Geeste-Dalum. Since 1994, the company has been manufacturing GRP parts for a wide range of applications and in all shapes, from threaded rods to complete insulating housings. For precise chipping, the company relies on 3-axis and 5-axis machining centres from HEDELIUS.
Development, production and service of special machines and machine components are the mainstays of Zander EMS GmbH. Sophisticated devices and components are developed and manufactured for customers from the automotive industry in particular. Two HEDELIUS machining centres provide the necessary precision and flexibility.
The toolmakers at Gemü rely on the ACURA 65 EL from HEDELIUS for the pre-milling of their tool components. The universal milling machine performs with a robust travelling column construction on a very small footprint. Thanks to the large tool store, automated production also brings great advantages.
It is already the fourth HEDELIUS that Alwin Lamping, owner and managing director of LWM Werkzeug- und Maschinenbau GmbH, has in his machine park. The toolmaker from Vechta did not hesitate for long when making his latest investment. He experienced the ACURA 65 live under chip removal at the last AMB in Stuttgart and was immediately impressed by the extremely compact high-performance machine.
Martin CNC-Präzisionsteile, a contract manufacturing company based in Asslar, Hesse, has opened up its chipping operations to machines from HEDELIUS, thereby significantly expanding its product range. Another benefit: the high level of accuracy thanks to five-sided machining.
Sheet metal processing is the core business of the 150-strong medium-sized company mech-tron from Roding. In order to meet the constantly growing customer requirements, one of the leading manufacturers of housings for electronic and embedded equipment has also grown in other technology areas, particularly in milling.
The innovative Metallverarbeitung Uwe Ebertz GmbH is based in Sinn-Fleisbach, Hesse. Since its foundation, the family business has undergone a transformation from a sheet metal processor to a comprehensive service provider in metal processing. Modern technologies made in Germany are used, such as the Tiltenta 7-3200 machining centre from HEDELIUS Maschinenfabrik GmbH.
The idyllic landscape around Lake Chiemsee invites you to relax and unwind. The region is very popular with holidaymakers. Where others go on holiday, Georg Pfisterer and his 20 employees work on high-precision components for laboratory and medical devices. An ACURA 65 from HEDELIUS has also been in use since 2017.
Starting out as a small contract manufacturing company, the company from the tranquil community of Weißenstadt with its 3000 inhabitants now employs 25 people and offers national and international customers from a wide range of industries innovative complete solutions in the areas of mechanical engineering, metal and electrical engineering, automation and special machine construction.
Within just a few years, SD Automotive GmbH has developed into a specialised service provider for the automotive industry. By constantly expanding its machinery, the company has been able to master the high demands placed on milling in particular. The latest technology in the chipping range comes from HEDELIUS in Meppen.
Since its foundation in 1986, D+P, Dosier- und Prüftechnik GmbH has been developing and producing highly complex standard products and customised systems for applying and dispensing liquids, greases and pastes as well as for assembling components and testing functions. The products of the 60-strong company are mainly used in the automotive and electrical industries as well as in mechanical engineering, assembly technology and the air and space industry.
At Edumar Metaalbewerking in Someren, the Netherlands, spindle hours count and production is planned to be highly efficient. Many of the metalworking company's turning and milling machines are therefore equipped with automation solutions. At the beginning of the year, an ACURA 65 EL from HEDELIUS was put into operation with a Titanium 180 from BMO Automation. In combination with the automation system, the 5-axis machining centre is expected to achieve up to 8,000 spindle hours per year.
The wind tunnel system at European Transonic Windtunnel GmbH is currently being modernised and its range of capabilities expanded. This also includes the modernisation of the workshop, for which a Tiltenta 6-2300 from HEDELIUS was purchased. This means that full and half models of aeroplanes up to 2.30 m in length can now be machined in a single set-up.
Förster Sondermaschinen GmbH**, based in Lindlar, not far from Cologne, specialises in the manufacture of customer-specific precision components. The batch size of the milled parts produced is usually between 1 and 10: Thanks to a highly flexible, customer-oriented production organisation, the customer can call off the parts as required.
The BAADER Group, which has been in existence for almost a hundred years, has been family-owned since it was founded in 1919 and now employs a good 1100 people worldwide, 500 at its headquarters in Lübeck alone. The centre of gravity at the northern German site is clearly on the production of fish processing machines.
The success story of Bathon GmbH began over 40 years ago with toolmaking as a sideline. Today, the family business has closed its doors as a versatile service provider in the metalworking industry. Flexible production is an important success factor. A HEDELIUS machining centre is also used for this purpose.
Trade fair for machining technology
14 + 15 May 2025
from 09:00 - 18:00
HEDELIUS technology centre, Meppen
Experience 13 high-performance machining centres in action at the large HEDELIUS in-house exhibition! Take the opportunity to talk to industry experts and gain valuable insights into the world of machining technology.
25,000 m² of production space with a large technology centre.
Quality "Made in Germany" - this is what HEDELIUS Maschinenfabrik is recognised for throughout Europe. Founded in 1967, HEDELIUS develops and produces high-performance vertical CNC travelling column machining centres. The machine range includes 3-axis, 4-axis and 5-axis machining centres for the production of single parts as well as small and medium-sized series in machine, vehicle and tool construction. Its customers include numerous well-known machine manufacturers and their suppliers from the agricultural machinery, aviation, vehicle construction, packaging technology and many other industries.
Technology that delivers what it promises.
Our daily actions are based on clear principles and values that make us a predictable and reliable partner.
Service that sets standards.
Our experienced service technicians regularly undergo further training and will be on site in no time if something is not working.
Customers who trust us.
The success of our customers spurs us on. Over 3,000 manufacturing companies in Europe rely on machining solutions from HEDELIUS. What makes them so satisfied? Read for yourself.