• Linearverkettung: ACURA 50 EL - EROWA Leonardo - ACURA 65 EL

10 May 2021

First linear concatenation sold.

Two ACURA machining centres with EROWA Leonardo.

EROWA Leonardo Paletten-Handlinggerät mit Mehrebenen-Magazinen an einer HEDELIUS 5-Achs-Bearbeitungszentrum ACURA 65 EL - Detailfoto einer geöffneten Rüststation

The unique HEDELIUS concept with two in-line 5-axis machining centres from the ACURA 50 and ACURA 65 series, which are connected via an automation system, is becoming increasingly popular. Having already sold several systems, we are now pleased to be able to supply the first solution together with EROWA. In this case, the linking is carried out by an EROWA Leonardo pallet handling system with 24 pallets of 320 x 320 mm each.

Machining centres for this automation.

HEDELIUS 5-Achs-Bearbeitungszentrum ACURA 50 EL
Travel paths (X/Y/Z): 500 x 550 x 550 mm
Travel paths: 500 x 550 x 550 mm
Dimensions rotating/swivelling table: Ø 500x430 mm
Rotating table dimensions: Ø 500x430 mm
Load rotating/swivelling table max.: 300 kg
Turntable load: 300 kg
HEDELIUS 5-Achs-Bearbeitungszentrum ACURA 65 EL
Travel paths (X/Y/Z): 700 x 650 x 600 mm
Travel paths: 700 x 650 x 600 mm
Dimensions rotating/swivelling table: Ø 650x540 mm
Rotating table dimensions: Ø 650x540 mm
Load rotating/swivelling table max.: 500 kg
Turntable load: 500 kg

More news.

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Discover our latest innovation: the TILTENTA 7 NEO, automated by the MARATHON SR415. This 5-axis universal machining centre in combination with the multi-pallet magazine makes it possible to tap into untapped potential and make your production even more efficient.

Übergabe Bonitätszetifikat CrefoZert Creditreform Leer

HEDELIUS Maschinenfabrik GmbH in Meppen has once again been awarded the Creditreform CrefoZert creditworthiness certificate. This certificate once again confirms the company's excellent creditworthiness. The strict requirements for the renewal of the CrefoZert continue to be fully met

HEDELIUS 4-/5-Achs-Bearbeitungszentrum TILTENTA 7-2000 NEO + HEDELIUS Palettenautomation MARATHON SR415 mit Spanntöpfen an der Rüststation und am Rundtisch (Perspektive leicht von oben)

The demand for efficient automation solutions is constantly growing - especially for the versatile machining centres in the popular TILTENTA series. With decades of experience in the development of compact, ergonomic machining centres and powerful automation solutions, we are pleased to present our latest innovation: the TILTENTA 7-2000 NEO in combination with the MARATHON SR415. A combination that promises maximum productivity with minimum space requirements.
