• FORTE 85 Single 1620 The powerful vertical centre with the large 80-position tool changer and 850 mm Y travel path.
    HEDELIUS 3-Achs-Bearbeitungszentrum FORTE 85 Single 1620
1620 x 850 x 700 mm
Travel paths (X/Y/Z)
1620 x 850 x 700 mm
Travel paths
1800 x 900 mm
Contact surface
1800 x 900 mm
Contact surface
1500/2000 kg
Fixed machine table max. load
1500/2000 kg
Load fixed machine table

Your advantages with the FORTE 85

  • Generous X travel path of 1620 mm
  • Extra-large Y travel path of 850 mm
  • Direct measuring systems as standard
  • Fully enclosed work area
  • Heavy-duty, fixed machine table
  • Vertical stainless steel cover for optimised chip fall
  • Travelling column made from high-quality machine casting
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Sophisticated type.

Designed as universal machining centres for a wide range of applications in machine and tool construction, HEDELIUS places great weight on stability and accuracy during the design phase. The result of this process was the special HEDELIUS type with the constantly cantilevered Y-axis and the resulting high rigidity and precision over the entire travel range of the Y-axis and Z-axis.

In-house production.

Critical assemblies such as travelling columns, beds and rotating/swivelling table units are manufactured and measured in-house at HEDELIUS. As a result, we not only always keep an eye on quality, but also recognise the possibilities and limits of modern chipping in day-to-day use. This process knowledge flows permanently into improving our products and advising our customers.

Guides and straightness.

HEDELIUS uses pre-aligned roller guides from German and Swiss manufacturers. At the end of assembly, the positioning precision, repeat precision, straightness and backlash of the linear axes are finally checked and documented using a laser interferometer. The positioning accuracy of the linear axes in accordance with ISO 230-2 is regularly less than 6 µm.

IT6 circular accuracy.

The Renishaw circularity test has established itself as a test method for the accuracy of machining centres. The measurement provides information on the interaction between two linear axes and the accuracy of a circular movement. The slip-stick-free roller guides in combination with direct path measuring systems and high angular accuracy enable the milling of fits in a quality of IT6, which reduces production times and the number of spindle tools required.

Measuring systems on round axes.

The accuracy of the measuring systems has a significant influence on the angularity and parallelism of surfaces and bores. HEDELIUS uses direct angle encoders in the centre of each rotational axis in the integrated rotary tables, the swivel spindle drives and the rotating/swivelling table units. As an option, laser-based angle measurement devices measure the positioning accuracy of rotational axes with a resolution of ±1" and calibrate the axes for maximum positioning accuracy.

Long-term precision.

HEDELIUS only uses direct linear measurement devices for position detection of the X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis. This means that the position control loop encompasses the entire feed mechanism. This is referred to as "closed loop" operation. Transmission errors in the mechanics can thus be detected by the linear measurement device on the feed axis and corrected by the control electronics.

Temperature compensation.

HEDELIUS equips its machining centres with spindle coolers to dissipate the heat generated in the milling spindle. The cooling system already achieves increased thermal stability as standard. However, as not all of the heat can be dissipated by the spindle cooling, HEDELIUS optionally installs temperature sensors on the spindle, travelling column and, in some cases, on the rotary axes in order to compensate for structural displacements via the control system.

More efficient set-up.
Optional accessories for tooling optimisation.

More efficient set-up.

Optional accessories for tooling optimisation.

Mounted rotary table

Zero point clamping systems

Swing bridges

Pickup tool magazines

Operating aids

Maximise process reliability.
Optimised cleaning technology and chip removal.

Maximise process reliability.

Optimised cleaning technology and chip removal.

Chip flushing

Dust protection cladding

Emulsion mist extraction

Process control with side-hung window

Chip press

Measure + check.
Measure + check.

Measure + check.

With touch probes and lasers.

3D infra-red measuring sensor

Tool setter

Laser control system

Drill breakage control

This is your new CNC machining centre made in Germany.


Travel paths (X/Y/Z)
Travel paths
1620 x 850 x 700 mm
Contact surface
Contact surface
1800 x 900 mm
Fixed machine table max. load
Load fixed machine table
1500/2000 kg

CNC control


Pallet automation

Workpiece automation

Set-up options

Tool magazines

Cleaning accessories

Measuring and touch probe systems

HEDELIUS 3-Achs-Bearbeitungszentrum FORTE 85 Single 1620

You are interested in a new HEDELIUS machining centre. We will be happy to make you an offer, e.g. for a CNC machining centre, an automation solution, etc. from HEDELIUS Maschinenfabrik GmbH. We would be happy to demonstrate the output of our CNC machining centres in a practical demonstration or via video live stream.
