08 May 2020

HEDELIUS invests as planned.

Expansion of office capacity at the company headquarters in Meppen by 650 square metres.

Despite the coronavirus crisis, HEDELIUS Maschinenfabrik considers itself to be well installed, meaning that both product developments and investments in infrastructure are continuing as planned. The company is currently expanding its office capacity at its headquarters in Meppen by 650 square metres. The new premises are scheduled for completion in autumn and will primarily provide a modern working environment for sales, marketing and customer service.


In the product development range, HEDELIUS is currently in the process of further expanding the automation of its CNC machining centres in order to offer customers optimum technical solutions for flexible, highly productive and high-precision manufacturing. "In this way, we want to continue our growth trajectory of recent years," says Managing Director Dennis Hempelmann. "In order to continue to provide our customers with good advice, we are currently offering virtual machine demonstrations via livestream, which has been very well received. We are currently able to present 14 machining centres and four automation solutions for our compact ACURA machines to customers and interested parties live under chip in detail. Virtual live stream with one of our CNC experts. However, we also look forward to every 'real' visit to our demonstration centre in Meppen. We also offer this opportunity, naturally in compliance with all applicable hygiene regulations."

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HEDELIUS Maschinenfabrik GmbH in Meppen has once again been awarded the Creditreform CrefoZert creditworthiness certificate. This certificate once again confirms the company's excellent creditworthiness. The strict requirements for the renewal of the CrefoZert continue to be fully met

HEDELIUS 4-/5-Achs-Bearbeitungszentrum TILTENTA 7-2000 NEO + HEDELIUS Palettenautomation MARATHON SR415 mit Spanntöpfen an der Rüststation und am Rundtisch (Perspektive leicht von oben)

The demand for efficient automation solutions is constantly growing - especially for the versatile machining centres in the popular TILTENTA series. With decades of experience in the development of compact, ergonomic machining centres and powerful automation solutions, we are pleased to present our latest innovation: the TILTENTA 7-2000 NEO in combination with the MARATHON SR415. A combination that promises maximum productivity with minimum space requirements.
